5 Testing alternative hypotheses
In this section we focus on specific alternative hypotheses for diversification rates. The first part of our congruence class exploration focuses on specific alternative models. That is, we first start by providing a set of alternative extinction rate functions and compute the matching speciation rate functions. Then, we turn the approach around and specify some alternative speciation rate functions for which we compute the matching extinction rate functions.
5.1 Testing alternative extinction rates
In this subsection we focus entirely on alternative hypotheses of extinction rates for which we compute the resulting speciation rates.
5.1.1 Constant extinction rates
Let us assume that the extinction rate was constant, but at a range of different values. Specifically, let’s assume that the true extinction rate was \(\mu(t)=\{0.0,0.025,0.05,0.075,0.1\}\). For our models we need to create extinction rate functions with these values.
<- seq(0,0.1,0.025)
mu_vals <- list()
mu1 for (i in 1:length(mu_vals)) {
= local({
mu1[[i]] = mu_vals[i]
mu function(t) { rep(mu,length(t)) }
}) }
Now we compute the new speciation rate given the extinction rates.
<- congruent.models(my_model, mus = mu1) alt_models
Let’s have a look at these alternative models.
plot( alt_models )
Next, we can inspect the summary of the trends in the speciation rate through time
<- summarize.trends(alt_models, threshold = 0.02)
p plot(p)
Notice that there is variation in the slope of the speciation rate (\(\Delta\lambda\)) throughout the entire time span of the phylogenetic tree. Yet, when we only consider rate changes that are smaller or greater than our threshold of \(\epsilon = 0.02 \Delta\lambda\) per million years, it becomes evident that the constructed congruent models are in complete agreement of the two increases in speciation rate, as well as the more recent decline in speciation rate.
5.1.2 Linearly increasing extinction rates
Next, we will explore different linear rate functions for the extinction rate.
Let us assume that the extinction rate was linear with a range of different slopes.
Specifically, let’s assume that the slope was \(\alpha=\{0.0,0.0005, \ldots, 0.002\}\).
We played around with these \(\alpha\) values to get reasonable rate functions.
You will need to modify these for your dataset.
Note that in CRABS
, rate functions are defined in backwards time, so while these look like decreasing extinction rates, they are in fact increasing extinction rates when you consider time forward from past to present.
We create extinction rate functions with these \(\alpha\) values.
= 0.01
mu_min <- seq(0,0.002,0.0005)
mu_vals <- list()
mu1 for (i in 1:length(mu_vals)) {
= local({
mu1[[i]] = mu_vals[i]
mu_slope function(t) { mu_min + mu_slope * (max_t-t) }
}) }
Now we compute the new speciation rate given the extinction rates.
<- congruent.models(my_model, mus = mu1) alt_models
Let’s have a look at these alternative models.
Next, we can inspect the summary of the trends in the speciation rate through time
<- summarize.trends(alt_models, threshold = 0.02)
p plot(p)
Similar to the example with constant alternative extinctionrate models, there is some variation in the trends, but the same conclusion remains. Namely, for our threshold of \(\epsilon = 0.02 \Delta\lambda\) per million years, it is evident that the constructed congruent models are in complete agreement of the two increases in speciation rate, as well as the more recent decline in speciation rate.
5.1.3 Exponential increasing extinction rates
Next, similar to the linear rate functions we explore some exponential rate functions. We start here with the exponentially increasing rates. Recall that the extinction rate is a function of time such that \(\mu(0)\) is the rate at the present and \(\mu(1)\) is the rate 1 time unit previously, thus what appear to be exponential increases are in fact decreases. Specifically, let’s assume that the growth rate was \(\alpha=\{0.0,0.005, \ldots, 0.02\}\). Then, we define the extinction rate function as
= 0.015
mu_max <- seq(0,0.02,0.005)
mu_vals <- list()
mu1 for (i in 1:length(mu_vals)) {
= local({
mu1[[i]] = mu_vals[i]
mu_factor function(t) { mu_max * exp(mu_factor*(max_t-t)) }
}) }
Now we compute the new speciation rate given the extinction rates.
<- congruent.models( my_model, mus = mu1 ) alt_models
Let’s have a look at these alternative models.
plot( alt_models )
Next, we can inspect the summary of the trends in the speciation rate through time
<- summarize.trends(alt_models, threshold = 0.02)
p plot(p)
Similar to the two previous examples, there is some variation in the trends, but the same conclusion remains. Namely, for our threshold of \(\epsilon = 0.02 \Delta\lambda\) per million years, it is evident that the constructed congruent models are in complete agreement of the two increases in speciation rate, as well as the more recent decline in speciation rate.
5.1.4 Two-epoch extinction rates
Let us assume that the extinction rate changed abruptly at a pre-defined change-point. We’ll try to fix the change-point to the estimated rapid increase in diversification. Thus, we are modeling the extinction rate as a 2-epoch model. Furthermore, let us try a range of different factors of increase/decrease. Specifically, let’s assume that the rate increase/decrease was by a factor of \(\alpha=\{1,2,4\}\). Again, we create the list of extinction rate functions.
= 0.05
mu_min = 5.5
t_shift <- seq(-2,2,1)
alpha_vals <- list()
mu1 for (i in 1:length(alpha_vals)) {
= local({
mu1[[i]] = alpha_vals[i]
alpha function(t) { ifelse( t < t_shift, mu_min*2^alpha, mu_min) }
}) }
Now we compute the new speciation rate given the extinction rates.
<- congruent.models( my_model, mus = mu1 ) alt_models
Let’s have a look at these alternative models.
plot( alt_models )
Next, we can inspect the summary of the trends in the speciation rate through time
<- summarize.trends(alt_models, threshold = 0.02)
p plot(p)
Again, for our threshold of \(\epsilon = 0.02 \Delta\lambda\) per million years, it is evident that the constructed congruent models are in complete agreement of the two increases in speciation rate, as well as the more recent decline in speciation rate.
5.1.5 Reversed trend extinction rates
As a last example, let us explore the case where the extinction rate had the opposite trend to the estimated speciation rate. That is, if the speciation rate was going up, now we model that the extinction rate goes down. This should produce the same pattern in the net-diversification rate. We create this reversed/opposite trend extinction rate function by subtracting the observed speciation rate from some arbitrary baseline (which is necessary to make sure that all extinction rates are positive).
<- c(1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0)
mu_scaling <- max(lambda(my_model$times)) * mu_scaling
<- list()
mu_prime for (i in seq_along(mu_scaling)){
<- local({
mu_prime[[i]] <- mu_0s[i]
mu_0 function(t) mu_0 - lambda(t)
}) }
Now we compute the new speciation rate given the extinction rates.
<- congruent.models(my_model, mus = mu_prime) alt_models
Let’s have a look at these alternative models.
plot( alt_models )
In Figure 5.9 we used an additive trend by subtracting the rate. However, we can also use a multiplicative model by subtracting the log speciation rate and then back-transforming the extinction rate from the log-scale.
= 0.0075
mu_min <- function(t) exp(log(mu_min) - log(my_model$lambda(t))) mu1
Now we compute the new speciation rate given the extinction rates.
<- congruent.models( my_model, mus = mu1 ) alt_models
Let’s have a look at these alternative models.
plot( alt_models )
Since there are just two models here, it is not necessary to plot the trend summary. It is obvious that the speciation rate still exhibits a sharp increase followed by a downturn toward the present.
This concludes our brief exploration of different common shapes of extinction rates. In summary, the speciation and net-diversification rates are mostly robust to our relatively minor variations in extinction rates. Specifically, the observed pattern of a sharp increase of the speciation rate towards the present is robust to all variation of extinction rates we tested. Only if we would change the extinction rates in extreme and biologically unrealistic ways, e.g., by allowing the extinction rate to become implausible large, then the extinction rates can overwhelm our observed diversification rate pattern.
5.2 Testing alternative speciation rates
Let us now look at the congruence class from the angle of the speciation rates. Can we also specify different speciation rate function and obtain valid extinction rates?
5.2.1 Constant speciation rates
Let us assume that the speciation rate was constant. However, the congruence class as defined by Louca & Pennell (2020) dictates that \(\lambda(0) = \lambda'(0)\), assuming the same present day sampling fraction for both models. Thus, there is only one possible constant rate speciation model within the congruence class with \(\lambda'(t) = \lambda(0)\) Specifically, let’s assume that the true speciation rate was \(\lambda(t) = \lambda_0\). We follow exactly the same approach as with the extinction rates. Hence, we start by defining the speciation rate function.
<- function(t) my_model$lambda(0.0) lambda1
Now we compute the new extinction rate given the speciation rates.
<- congruent.models( my_model, lambda = lambda1) alt_models
Let’s have a look at these alternative models.
plot( alt_models )
In this example we observe that for the constant speciation rate function the derived extinction rate function was negative at the near present. A negative extinction rate is clearly unrealistic. Thus, we can conclude that there is no constant rate speciation rate function within the congruence class.
5.2.2 Exponential increasing/decreasing speciation rates
Let us assume that the speciation rate was exponentially increasing or decreasing. Furthermore, let us try a range of different factors of increase/decrease. Specifically, let’s assume that the growth rate was \(\alpha=\{-0.04,-0.03,\ldots, 0.04\}\). Again, we create the list of speciation rate functions.
= lambda(0)
lambda_present <- c(seq(0.0,0.04,0.02),seq(-0.5,-0.1,0.2))
alpha_vals <- list()
lambda1 for (i in 1:length(alpha_vals)) {
= local({
lambda1[[i]] = alpha_vals[i]
alpha function(t) { lambda_present * exp(alpha*t) }
}) }
Now we compute the new extinction rate given the speciation rates.
<- congruent.models( my_model, lambda = lambda1) alt_models
Let’s have a look at these alternative models.
plot( alt_models )
We can also plot the directional trends in the extinction rate through time:
<- summarize.trends(alt_models, threshold = 0.02, rate_name = "mu")
p plot(p)
Our results here for the exponentially increasing speciation functions show again that the derived extinction rates are negative towards the present and/or at another point in time. Because of the initial condition that all speciation rate functions within the congruence class must have the same value at time \(t=0\) (the present), it is very challenging to find other speciation rate functions that have valid extinction rates (i.e., \(\mu(t)\leq 0\)). This indicates that the congruence class is much more restrictive for the space of valid speciation rates.